Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Write Women Back in History Essay Contest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                               CONTACT: Kristen Corey
November 3, 2014                                                                                 Office on the Status of Women  515-281-4470 or women@iowa.gov

31st Annual Write Women Back Into History Contest Announced
2015 theme focuses on “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives”

DES MOINES – The Iowa Commission on the Status of Women is seeking entries for the 2015 Write Women Back into History Essay Contest from students in grades 6–9. The theme of this year’s contest is “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives.”

In partnership with the Iowa Department of Education and the State Historical Society of Iowa, the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women within the Iowa Department of Human Rights, invites students to participate in order to gain a deeper and more relevant appreciation of women’s roles in history. The contest helps highlight stories of women's achievements that are integral to the fabric of our history.

The Write Women Back into History Essay Contest is held as part of Iowa’s observance of Women’s History Month. March is often designated as Women’s History Month by the governor, the Iowa Senate and House of Representatives, the President of the United States and the U.S. Congress, and will be celebrated in hundreds of communities and thousands of classrooms nationwide.

Winning essayists will be awarded prizes, announced on the floors of the Iowa House of Representatives and Senate. They will also be recognized at a special ceremony at the State Historical Building during Women’s History Month, and each finalist will receive a certificate signed by the governor. All winners’ names will be released to the press, and a special effort will be made to inform media outlets in the students’ communities of their honors. 

Contest guidelines and entry forms are available online by clicking here or by contacting Kristen Corey at 515/281-4470, 800/558-4427 or women@iowa.gov.

The deadline for entry is January 23rd, 2015. Anyone with questions may contact Kristen Corey in the Office on the Status of Women at 515/281-4470, 800/558-4427 or women@iowa.gov.


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