Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dupont Challenge Science Essay Competition

Dupont: The DuPont Challenge Science Essay Competition
The DuPont Challenge encourages students to delve deep into their interests in science, technology, engineering, and math and express themselves with creativity and purpose. Ours is a growing world that faces new challenges each day, and DuPont wants students to share their ideas for how science can help keep our global population supplied with food, safety, and clean energy. Essays must be between 700 to 1,000 words in length, include a list of research sources, and fall under one of four categories: Together, we can feed the world; together, we can build a secure energy future; together, we can protect people and the environment; or together, we can be innovative anywhere. Maximum award: U.S. Savings Bond of $5,000 at maturity; expenses-paid Orlando trip; Britannica Digital Learning E-book collection, including Britannica Illustrated Science Library (67 E-book volumes total); and Britannica's 5 iOS science apps. Eligibility: students currently enrolled in grades 6 through 12 in public, private, or home schools in the United States, Canada, or their territories. Deadline: January 31, 2015. More

Three Things to Know About the U.S. Bishops’ Recent Discussions on Catholic Schools // Alliance for Catholic Education

Three Things to Know About the U.S. Bishops’ Recent Discussions on Catholic Schools // Alliance for Catholic Education

Monday, December 15, 2014

Online Learning Opportunity for Junior High Students

The University of Wisconsin - Madison is offering a program called Program A Missions. There are many missions available to choose from and they are designed to extend learning in the classroom. Students selecting to get involved in this program must be passionate about the subject matter they are pursuing.

Visit www.wcaty.wise.edu for more information. See Mr.Plummer if you wish to pursue a mission.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

5 Keys to Avoid Being a Bullying Bystander

I received the following 5 keys in an email from Dennard Mitchell. He speaks to students across the nation on motivation and bullying.

Bystander Bullies

If there is one thing that Bullies like more than being a Bully, is employing an audience. The more the merrier as far the as the Bully is concerned and is the fuel to ignite the fire they need as they humiliate someone else; something that far too often leads to  
violence. Bystander Bullies are just as harmful to a bullying situation, especially if that fire gets lit. A bystander bully is described as someone who is indirectly involved with the increase of bullying to someone else.
Children seeing bullying situations far more often than they should. Often time that are not sure what to do when they happen upon a situation like that. Many of them just want to go along for the ride and see what all the chaos and commotion is about. However there are many in those crowds that would like to break up the situation, but out of the fear of retaliation for being a whistle-blower or a 'goody-two shoes', decide against it. Besides preventing ourselves from being an audience to add fuel to the bully's fire there are still other things we can do to increase the message that bullying will not be tolerated.
5 Key Tips to Avoid Being a Bully Bystander. 

1. Be a Friend.

Sometimes simply being nice to someone who is being bullied is helpful. Letting them know that you do not agree with it and asking if there is anything you can do lets them know that someone cares. Encouraging them to,
2. Talk to an adult.

Talk to an adult is also being a friend. If this is not something that they feel comfortable with then as a friend you should find an adult you trust to handle the situation before it gets worse. If there is no adult around and the situation seems to escalate then you can, Stop Bullying

 3. Assist with an Escape.

Create a distraction so that the attention is off of the bully. If the bully doesn't have the needed audience then there's no reason to go on. Only intervene on bullying situations when it is safe to do so. And do not intervene through the use of violence. This only escalates the situation and a bystander should be able to,
4. Set a Good Example.

Be a leader to those around you. Encourage them about the negative effects of bullying and actively participate in anti-bullying projects and initiatives. Promote the motto of respecting individuality and giving awareness to cultivating a bully FREE culture. And again, the number one thing you can do to prevent being a Bully Bystander is
5. Don't Be an Audience.

Prevent the fire before it starts.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Grading Standards Can Elevate Teaching - Education Week

Grading Standards Can Elevate Teaching - Education Week

I especially like this quote in the conclusion, "we need to free ourselves from an antiquated, unclear, and essentially discredited system that weakens teachers’ effectiveness and their credibility."

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Middle School Summer Challenge

Washington University in St. Louis is hosting a Middle School Summer Challenge. The program "combines advanced curriculum and leadership development" this upcoming summer. More information can be found at summerexperiences.wustl.edu.